Refund and Cancellation Policy
Updated : 14-07-2019
- We abide by very strict Refund Policy.
- We have made application available to all our user, with keep in mind the faith we bestowed on them.
- We uses dynamic pricing so as to provide same level field for Streamers with 2k subscriber and Streamers with 1Million. This dynamic can be exploited. Therefore we have come with this very strict refund policy.
- We have the complete right to give you new unique code or not.
- In case where we have find that user is providing incorrect details like YouTube channel ID, we have the complete right to not given them unique code and refund them their money with 10% cut as penalty fees.
- We verify YouTube channel before providing you with new code, so make sure you are recharging with correct Recharge Pack. Failure to do so , we will provide recharge for only those days of which you have paid for according to your current subscribers.
- New Unique code is always provided on emails.
- If you have two channel, please recharge based on number of subscriber of largest channel of the two.
Updated : 14-07-2019